Kawasaki: Heller familiefar enn Apple-sjef

Apple evangelist Guy Kawasaki vil heller være sammen med familien enn lede snuoperasjonen i Apple Computer. digi gjengir Kawasakis kunngjøring i sin helhet.

Jens Kanden
23. juli 1997 - 09:56

Sjefspredikant for Apple Computer, evangelist Guy Kawasaki, har blitt nevnt av mange som en glimrende kandidat til toppjobben i Apple Computer. I de mange online-spørreundersøkelsene har Kawasaki figurert helt i toppen på listene.

Tirsdag kunngjorde Kawasaki at han ikke er interessert i toppjobben i Apple i en e-post sendt til Evangelista-listen, en e-postliste distribuert til Apple-interesserte verden rundt. Dermed er en av de hete kandidatene for toppjobben ute av bildet.

- Jeg tok en avgjørelse om aldri å ta en operativ jobb for på denne måten å kunne være sammen med mine to barn (og jeg ønsker flere) og min kone, skriver Kawasaki.

Artikkelen fortsetter etter annonsen
Nyskapningen som endrer PC-industrien

digi gjengir Guy Kawasakis e-post i sin helhet:

"We've gotten hundreds of messages from people who think I should be the CEO of Apple, and I'm doing quite well in the online polls. I want to address this topic publicly for all who are interested.

Not that the job will be offered to me, but a few years ago I wrote a book called Hindsights. It is a collection of interviews of people about their hindsights in life. The people in the book are rich and poor, famous and unknown, happy and sad. Only 33 people are in the book, but I interviewed about 130 in total.

In all these interviews, not one person told me that that they should have spent more time working or amassing wealth. Zero. Zippo. None. On the other hand, many of them told me that they were so busy making money that they woke up one day and their kids had grown up.

I developed a firm grasp of the obvious: You can work your butt off anytime, but your kids are young only once. Thus, I made a decision to not take an operating role in a company so that I could be with my two kids (and I would like more) and wife. I took the Apple fellowship because I love Apple, Macintosh, and our customers and it was the only way to get a PowerBook right away, but it is a fellowship and not a "job" per se.

My decision is not going to change in the near future, and you know what? My kids don't care how the Mercury reported an Apple story, how the Wall Street Journal predicted our death, how the SPA forecasted a decline in Macintosh software sales using inexplicable math, or whether Apple's market share is 5%, .5%, .05%, or 5000%.

All they care about is that I'm with them. And what job could possibly be more important than this?


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