Microsoft Comment on DOJ Request For Information

Microsofts pressemelding hvor de kommenterer det amerikanske justisdepartementets antitrustundersøkelse.

Jens Kanden
20. sep. 1996 - 11:00

Microsoft Comment on DOJ Request For Information

REDMOND, Wash. - Sept. 19, 1996 -- As part of its continuing examination of software industry issues, the Justice Department has notified Microsoft that it will receive another written request for information. The last requests to Microsoft were issued in the summer of 1995.

"It appears that this request was prompted by complaints from competitors which are reminiscent of allegations that were thoroughly reviewed in the past," said William H. Neukom, Microsoft's Senior Vice President for Law and Corporate Affairs. "Internet Explorer 3.0 is consistently rated better than competing technology and is winning strong consumer support. In response, some of our competitors have resorted to a public relations campaign of baseless allegations designed to divert attention from the quality of our technology. It is disappointing that our competitors continue to seek government intervention in the competitive process rather than concentrating on improving their products."

"The facts will show that Microsoft is competing vigorously and legally, and our efforts are benefiting consumers by spurring greater innovation, better products, and lower prices," he said. "We intend to cooperate with the Justice Department."

Neukom said that Microsoft does not intend to comment on the specifics of this non-public DOJ inquiry, in deference to the Justice Department's practice of gathering information in a confidential manner.

"We are in the business of developing innovative technology and offering it to consumers at attractive prices, and we will continue to do that," Neukom concluded.

For more information, press only:

Contact: Mark Murray, (206) 936-3306 or Greg Shaw, (206) 882-8080

Note to editors: If you are interested in viewing additional information on Microsoft, please visit the Microsoft Web page at on Microsoft's corporate information pages.

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